Triple Disc Polishing Machine


Triple disc polishing machine features three rotating discs that are used for polishing and grinding surfaces. Each disc is typically equipped with different polishing pads or abrasive materials, allowing for various levels of abrasion and polishing intensity. It is commonly used in industries such as metalworking, automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing. Triple disc polishing machines are highly efficient and can save time and effort compared to manual polishing methods. They are often used in industrial settings where large surfaces or high volumes of work require consistent and uniform polishing results.



Triple Disc Polishing Machine – HP-3T SERIES

Triple disc polishing machine features three rotating discs that are used for polishing and grinding surfaces. Each disc is typically equipped with different polishing pads or abrasive materials, allowing for various levels of abrasion and polishing intensity. It is commonly used in industries such as metalworking, automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing. Triple disc polishing machines are highly efficient and can save time and effort compared to manual polishing methods. They are often used in industrial settings where large surfaces or high volumes of work require consistent and uniform polishing results.

Metallography specimen polishing machine with variable rotating speed is a kind of triple disk table type polishing machine. It is suitable for the polishing & grinding of the specimen. The specimen surface is very smooth after processing and can be used to observe and measure the metallography structure of specimen under microscope. Machine body is made of MS Powder Coated. The surface to be polished is prepared by removing any coatings, dirt, or imperfections. This may involve using coarser abrasives or grinding wheels to achieve a smooth and even surface. The machine is set up by attaching the appropriate polishing pads or abrasive discs to each of the three rotating discs. The selection of pads or discs depends on the desired level of polish and the type of material being worked on.