Motorized Vision Measurement Machine with Touch Probe

Video Measuring Machines are Numeric Controlled Video Measuring Machines with Touch Probe and Z-axis Motorized These are equipped with high quality CCD, powerful 2D measuring software and computer. The machine can measure various workpiece such as electronic components, punching parts, plastic and rubber parts etc. effectively. It allows customers to carry out scientific analysis for the production flow to find error trend in the flow and problems in the operations. In addition, all measurement results may be outputted in popular office software, such as Excel, Word to make customers save results conveniently for working out a quality inspection report or analyzing further.



Motorized Vision Measurement Machine Z Axis with Touch Probe

Video Measuring Machines are Numeric Controlled Video Measuring Machines with Touch Probe and Z-axis Motorized These are equipped with high quality CCD, powerful 2D measuring software and computer. The machine can measure various workpiece such as electronic components, punching parts, plastic and rubber parts etc. effectively. It allows customers to carry out scientific analysis for the production flow to find error trend in the flow and problems in the operations. In addition, all measurement results may be outputted in popular office software, such as Excel, Word to make customers save results conveniently for working out a quality inspection report or analyzing further.

Motorized Z-axis in a Video Measuring Machines with a touch probe combines the capabilities of vertical movement and tactile measurement. It allows for precise positioning of the touch probe in the Z-axis direction to perform measurements on the object being inspected.

How It's Work

Here’s an overview of how the motorized Z-axis with a touch probe works:

  1. Touch Probe Integration: The motorized Z-axis in the vision measurement machine is designed to accommodate the attachment of a touch probe. The touch probe is typically connected to the machine’s control system, allowing it to send and receive signals during measurements.
  2. Touch Probe Calibration: Before using the touch probe, it’s important to calibrate it properly. Calibration ensures accurate measurements by establishing the probe’s reference position and accounting for any potential errors or offsets.
  3. Software Configuration: The machine’s software interface should have settings and options to enable the use of the touch probe. It may include parameters to set the probing mode, probing force, measurement speed, and other relevant parameters.
  4. Measurement Setup:
    1. Positioning: Place the object to be measured on the machine’s stage or fixture.
    2. Z-Axis Positioning: Use the motorized Z-axis to position the touch probe above the desired measurement point on the object.
    3. Approach and Contact: Lower the touch probe gently until it makes contact with the surface of the object. The machine will record the tactile measurement from the touch probe.
  5. Data Acquisition and Analysis: Once the touch probe makes contact with the object, the machine will capture the measurement data. The acquired data can be analyzed and compared to the desired specifications using the machine’s software.
  6. Automated Measurement: In some cases, the motorized Z-axis with a touch probe can be programmed to perform measurements at multiple points on the object automatically. This feature streamlines the measurement process and ensures consistent and repeatable results.
  7. Reporting: The measurement data can be compiled and presented in various formats, such as measurement reports or graphical representations. The machine’s software may provide tools for data analysis, statistical calculations, and visualization.

It’s important to consult the specific user manual provided by the manufacturer of your vision measurement machine to understand the precise instructions and procedures for operating the motorized Z-axis with a touch probe.